Successors and predecessors of integers #
In this file, we show that ℤ
is both an archimedean SuccOrder
and an archimedean PredOrder
@[reducible, inline]
- Int.instSuccOrder = { succ := Int.succ, le_succ := Int.instSuccOrder.proof_2, max_of_succ_le := @Int.instSuccOrder.proof_3, succ_le_of_lt := @Int.instSuccOrder.proof_4 }
@[reducible, inline]
- Int.instPredOrder = { pred := Int.pred, pred_le := Int.instPredOrder.proof_1, min_of_le_pred := @Int.instPredOrder.proof_2, le_pred_of_lt := ⋯ }
Covering relation #
Alias of the reverse direction of Int.natCast_covBy
@[deprecated Int.natCast_covBy]
Alias of Int.natCast_covBy
@[deprecated CovBy.intCast]
Alias of the reverse direction of Int.natCast_covBy
Alias of the reverse direction of Int.natCast_covBy