

Prime and irreducible elements. #

In this file we define the predicate Prime p saying that an element of a commutative monoid with zero is prime. Namely, Prime p means that p isn't zero, it isn't a unit, and p ∣ a * b → p ∣ a ∨ p ∣ b for all a, b;

In decomposition monoids (e.g., , ), this predicate is equivalent to Irreducible (see irreducible_iff_prime), however this is not true in general.

Main definitions #

Main results #

def Prime {M : Type u_1} [CommMonoidWithZero M] (p : M) :

An element p of a commutative monoid with zero (e.g., a ring) is called prime, if it's not zero, not a unit, and p ∣ a * b → p ∣ a ∨ p ∣ b for all a, b.

Instances For
    theorem Prime.ne_zero {M : Type u_1} [CommMonoidWithZero M] {p : M} (hp : Prime p) :
    p 0
    theorem Prime.not_unit {M : Type u_1} [CommMonoidWithZero M] {p : M} (hp : Prime p) :
    theorem Prime.not_dvd_one {M : Type u_1} [CommMonoidWithZero M] {p : M} (hp : Prime p) :
    ¬p 1
    theorem Prime.ne_one {M : Type u_1} [CommMonoidWithZero M] {p : M} (hp : Prime p) :
    p 1
    theorem Prime.dvd_or_dvd {M : Type u_1} [CommMonoidWithZero M] {p : M} (hp : Prime p) {a : M} {b : M} (h : p a * b) :
    p a p b
    theorem Prime.dvd_mul {M : Type u_1} [CommMonoidWithZero M] {p : M} (hp : Prime p) {a : M} {b : M} :
    p a * b p a p b
    theorem Prime.isPrimal {M : Type u_1} [CommMonoidWithZero M] {p : M} (hp : Prime p) :
    theorem Prime.not_dvd_mul {M : Type u_1} [CommMonoidWithZero M] {p : M} (hp : Prime p) {a : M} {b : M} (ha : ¬p a) (hb : ¬p b) :
    ¬p a * b
    theorem Prime.dvd_of_dvd_pow {M : Type u_1} [CommMonoidWithZero M] {p : M} (hp : Prime p) {a : M} {n : } (h : p a ^ n) :
    p a
    theorem Prime.dvd_pow_iff_dvd {M : Type u_1} [CommMonoidWithZero M] {p : M} (hp : Prime p) {a : M} {n : } (hn : n 0) :
    p a ^ n p a
    theorem not_prime_one {M : Type u_1} [CommMonoidWithZero M] :
    structure Irreducible {M : Type u_1} [Monoid M] (p : M) :

    Irreducible p states that p is non-unit and only factors into units.

    We explicitly avoid stating that p is non-zero, this would require a semiring. Assuming only a monoid allows us to reuse irreducible for associated elements.

    • not_unit : ¬IsUnit p

      p is not a unit

    • isUnit_or_isUnit' : ∀ (a b : M), p = a * bIsUnit a IsUnit b

      if p factors then one factor is a unit

    Instances For
      theorem Irreducible.not_unit {M : Type u_1} [Monoid M] {p : M} (self : Irreducible p) :

      p is not a unit

      theorem Irreducible.isUnit_or_isUnit' {M : Type u_1} [Monoid M] {p : M} (self : Irreducible p) (a : M) (b : M) :
      p = a * bIsUnit a IsUnit b

      if p factors then one factor is a unit

      theorem Irreducible.not_dvd_one {M : Type u_1} [CommMonoid M] {p : M} (hp : Irreducible p) :
      ¬p 1
      theorem Irreducible.isUnit_or_isUnit {M : Type u_1} [Monoid M] {p : M} (hp : Irreducible p) {a : M} {b : M} (h : p = a * b) :
      theorem irreducible_iff {M : Type u_1} [Monoid M] {p : M} :
      Irreducible p ¬IsUnit p ∀ (a b : M), p = a * bIsUnit a IsUnit b
      theorem not_irreducible_one {M : Type u_1} [Monoid M] :
      theorem Irreducible.ne_one {M : Type u_1} [Monoid M] {p : M} :
      Irreducible pp 1
      theorem Irreducible.ne_zero {M : Type u_1} [MonoidWithZero M] {p : M} :
      Irreducible pp 0
      theorem of_irreducible_mul {M : Type u_3} [Monoid M] {x : M} {y : M} :
      Irreducible (x * y)IsUnit x IsUnit y
      theorem irreducible_or_factor {M : Type u_3} [Monoid M] (x : M) (h : ¬IsUnit x) :
      Irreducible x ∃ (a : M), ∃ (b : M), ¬IsUnit a ¬IsUnit b a * b = x
      theorem Irreducible.dvd_symm {M : Type u_1} [Monoid M] {p : M} {q : M} (hp : Irreducible p) (hq : Irreducible q) :
      p qq p

      If p and q are irreducible, then p ∣ q implies q ∣ p.

      theorem Irreducible.dvd_comm {M : Type u_1} [Monoid M] {p : M} {q : M} (hp : Irreducible p) (hq : Irreducible q) :
      p q q p
      theorem Irreducible.prime_of_isPrimal {M : Type u_1} [CommMonoidWithZero M] {a : M} (irr : Irreducible a) (primal : IsPrimal a) :
      theorem Prime.irreducible {M : Type u_1} [CancelCommMonoidWithZero M] {p : M} (hp : Prime p) :