The hierarchy of Lean snapshot types
Snapshot after elaboration of the entire command.
- cmdState : Lean.Elab.Command.State
Resulting elaboration state.
Instances For
- Lean.Language.Lean.instToSnapshotTreeCommandFinishedSnapshot = { toSnapshotTree := fun (s : Lean.Language.Lean.CommandFinishedSnapshot) => s.toSnapshot #[] }
State after a command has been parsed.
- stx : Lean.Syntax
Syntax tree of the command.
- parserState : Lean.Parser.ModuleParserState
Resulting parser state.
Snapshot for incremental reporting and reuse during elaboration, type dependent on specific elaborator.
State after processing is finished.
- tacticCache : IO.Ref Lean.Elab.Tactic.Cache
Cache for
; to be replaced with incrementality.
Instances For
State after a command has been parsed.
- mk: Lean.Language.Lean.CommandParsedSnapshotData →
Option (Lean.Language.SnapshotTask Lean.Language.Lean.CommandParsedSnapshot) →
Creates a command parsed snapshot.
Instances For
The snapshot data.
- ( data nextCmdSnap?).data = data
Instances For
Next command, unless this is a terminal command.
- ( data nextCmdSnap?).nextCmdSnap? = nextCmdSnap?
Instances For
State after successful importing.
- cmdState : Lean.Elab.Command.State
The resulting initial elaboration state.
First command task (there is always at least a terminal command).
Instances For
State after the module header has been processed including imports.
State after successful importing.
Instances For
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
State after successfully parsing the module header.
- parserState : Lean.Parser.ModuleParserState
Resulting parser state.
- processedSnap : Lean.Language.SnapshotTask Lean.Language.Lean.HeaderProcessedSnapshot
Header processing task.
Instances For
State after the module header has been parsed.
- ictx : Lean.Parser.InputContext
Parser input context supplied by the driver, stored here for incremental parsing.
- stx : Lean.Syntax
Resulting syntax tree.
- result? : Option Lean.Language.Lean.HeaderParsedState
State after successful parsing.
- cancelTk? : Option IO.CancelToken
Cancellation token for interrupting processing of this run.
Instances For
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Shortcut accessor to the final header state, if successful.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Initial snapshot of the Lean language processor: a "header parsed" snapshot.