Hilbert's Ramification Theory #
In this file, we discuss the ramification theory in Galois extensions of number fields.
Main definitions and results #
: The Galois groupGal(K/L)
acts transitively on the set of all maximal ideals.ramificationIdx_eq_of_isGalois
: In the case of Galois extension, all theramificationIdx
are the same.inertiaDeg_eq_of_isGalois
: In the case of Galois extension, all theinertiaDeg
are the same.decompositionGroup
is consisting of all elements of the Galois groupL ≃ₐ[K] L
such that keepP
: The residue class field corresponding todecompositionField p P
is isomorphic toresidue class field corresponding top
is the subgorup ofL ≃ₐ[K] L
that consists of all theσ : L ≃ₐ[K] L
that are identity moduloP
References #
- [J Neukirch, Algebraic Number Theory][Neukirch1992]
Preliminary #
The ideal obtained by intersecting 𝓞 K
and P
Instances For
- ⋯ = ⋯
We say P
lies over p
if p
is the preimage of P
under the algebraMap
- over : p = Ideal.comap (algebraMap (NumberField.RingOfIntegers K) (NumberField.RingOfIntegers L)) P
We say P
lies over p
if p
is the preimage of P
under the algebraMap
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
- ⋯ = ⋯
- over : p = Ideal.comap (algebraMap (NumberField.RingOfIntegers K) (NumberField.RingOfIntegers L)) P
- unique : ∀ (Q : Ideal (NumberField.RingOfIntegers L)) [inst : Q.IsMaximal] [inst : Q lies_over p], Q = P
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Instances For
If P
is a maximal ideal of 𝓞 L
, then the intersection of P
and 𝓞 K
is also
a maximal ideal.
- ⋯ = ⋯
In particular, if p
is a maximal ideal of ringOfIntegers
, then
the intersection of p
and ℤ
is also a maximal ideal.
- ⋯ = ⋯
For any maximal idela p
in 𝓞 K
, there exists a maximal ideal in 𝓞 L
lying over p
Maximal Ideals in the ring of integers are non-zero.
The image of a maximal ideal under the algebraMap between ring of integers is non-zero.
The Finset
consists of all primes lying over p : Ideal (𝓞 K)
- NumberField.primes_over p L = (UniqueFactorizationMonoid.factors (Ideal.map (algebraMap (NumberField.RingOfIntegers K) (NumberField.RingOfIntegers L)) p)).toFinset
Instances For
- ⋯ = ⋯
- ⋯ = ⋯
Given a maximal ideal P lies_over p
in 𝓞 L
, primes_over.mk
sends P
to an element of
the subset primes_over p L
of Ideal (𝓞 L)
- NumberField.primes_over.mk p P = ⟨P, ⋯⟩
Instances For
Another form of the property unique_lies_over
- ⋯ = ⋯
- ⋯ = ⋯
- ⋯ = ⋯
Galois group Gal(K/L)
acts transitively on the set of all maximal ideals #
The mapRingHom σ
will send a maximal ideal to a maximal ideal.
- ⋯ = ⋯
The Galois group Gal(K/L)
acts transitively on the set of all maximal ideals P
of 𝓞 L
lying above p
, i.e., these prime ideals are all conjugates of each other.
The function normalizedFactors commutes with the function map (mapRingHom σ)
The image of an ideal under the algebraMap between ring of integers remains invariant
under the action of mapRingHom σ
In the case of Galois extension, all the ramificationIdx
are the same.
- ⋯ = ⋯
The algebra equiv ((𝓞 L) ⧸ P) ≃ₐ[(𝓞 K) ⧸ p] ((𝓞 L) ⧸ map (mapRingHom σ) P)
induced by an algebra equiv σ : L ≃ₐ[K] L
- NumberField.residueField_mapAlgEquiv p hs = { toEquiv := (P.quotientEquiv Q ↑(NumberField.RingOfIntegers.mapAlgEquiv σ) ⋯).toEquiv, map_mul' := ⋯, map_add' := ⋯, commutes' := ⋯ }
Instances For
In the case of Galois extension, all the inertiaDeg
are the same.
In the case of Galois extension, it can be seen from the Theorem ramificationIdx_eq_of_IsGalois
that all ramificationIdx
are the same, which we define as the ramificationIdx_of_isGalois
Instances For
In the case of Galois extension, it can be seen from the Theorem inertiaDeg_eq_of_IsGalois
that all inertiaDeg
are the same, which we define as the inertiaDeg_of_isGalois
Instances For
In the case of Galois extension, all ramification indices are equal to the
. This completes the property mentioned in our previous definition.
In the case of Galois extension, all inertia degrees are equal to the inertiaDeg_of_isGalois
This completes the property mentioned in our previous definition.
The form of the fundamental identity in the case of Galois extension.
decomposition Group #
The MulAction
of the Galois group L ≃ₐ[K] L
on the set primes_over p L
given by σ ↦ (P ↦ σ P)
The decomposition group of P
over K
, is the stabilizer of primes_over.mk p P
under the action Gal_MulAction_primes
- NumberField.decompositionGroup p P = MulAction.stabilizer (L ≃ₐ[K] L) (NumberField.primes_over.mk p P)
Instances For
The decompositionGroup
is consisting of all elements of the Galois group L ≃ₐ[K] L
that keep P
The decomposition field of P
over K
is the fixed field of decompositionGroup p P
Instances For
decompositionField is a Number Field.
- ⋯ = ⋯
The ideal equal to the intersection of P
and decompositionField p P
Instances For
- ⋯ = ⋯
is the unique ideal lying over decompositionIdeal p P
The instance form of isMaximal_lies_over_decompositionideal_unique
- ⋯ = ⋯
An alternative statement of isMaximal_lies_over_decompositionideal_unique
The residue class field corresponding to decompositionField p P
is isomorphic to
residue class field corresponding to p
inertia Group #
The residue class field of a number field is a finite field.
- ⋯ = ⋯
The extension between residue class fields of number fields is a Galois extension.
- ⋯ = ⋯
The inertia group of P
over K
is the subgorup of L ≃ₐ[K] L
that consists of all
the σ : L ≃ₐ[K] L
that are identity modulo P
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Instances For
If P
is the unique ideal lying over p
, then P
remains invariant under the action of σ
If P
is the unique ideal lying over p
, then the action of each element σ
in L ≃ₐ[K] L
on the residue class field is an an automorphism of (𝓞 L) ⧸ P
fixing (𝓞 K) ⧸ p
, inducing a
homomorphism from L ≃ₐ[K] L
to the Galois group ((𝓞 L) ⧸ P) ≃ₐ[(𝓞 K) ⧸ p] ((𝓞 L) ⧸ P)
- NumberField.residueGaloisHom p P = { toFun := fun (σ : L ≃ₐ[K] L) => NumberField.residueField_mapAlgEquiv p ⋯, map_one' := ⋯, map_mul' := ⋯ }
Instances For
Instances For
If P
is the unique ideal lying over p
, then the inertiaGroup
is equal to the
kernel of the homomorphism residueGaloisHom
If P
is the unique ideal lying over p
, then the inertiaGroup K P
is a normal subgroup.
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Instances For
The intermediate field fixed by inertiaGroup K P
Instances For
inertiaFieldAux K P
is a Number Field.
- ⋯ = ⋯
The ideal equal to the intersection of P
and inertiaFieldAux p P
Instances For
inertiaIdealAux p P
is a maximal Ideal.
- ⋯ = ⋯
(inertiaFieldAux p P) / K
is a Galois extension.
The Galois group Gal((inertiaFieldAux p P) / K)
is isomorphic to the
Galois group Gal((𝓞 L) ⧸ P) / (𝓞 K) ⧸ p)
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Instances For
The Galois group Gal(L / (inertiaFieldAux p P))
is isomorphic to inertiaGroup K P
Instances For
The extension degree [L : K]
is equal to the product of the ramification index
and the inertia degree of p
in L
The extension degree [inertiaFieldAux p P : K]
is equal to the inertia degree of p
in L
The extension degree [L : inertiaFieldAux p P]
is equal to the
ramification index of p
in L
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Instances For
The intertia field of P
over K
is the intermediate field of L / decompositionField p P
fixed by the inertia group pf P
over K
Instances For
The ideal equal to the intersection of P
and inertiaField p P
- NumberField.inertiaIdeal p P = NumberField.idealUnder (↥(NumberField.inertiaField p P)) P
Instances For
(inertiaField p P) / (decompositionField p P)
is a Galois extension.
- ⋯ = ⋯
The Galois group Gal(L / (inertiaField p P))
is isomorphic to inertiaGroup K P
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Instances For
The extension degree [inertiaField p P : K]
is equal to the inertia degree of p
in L
The extension degree [L : inertiaField p P]
is equal to the
ramification index of p
in L
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